Saturday, January 01, 2005

Singapore pt 1

Going overseas cuts into blogging time, obviously, as does roaming the streets of a different country. But seeing as it's a new year and I'm home now, I can relate the best Singapore holiday I've had to date.

Probably the best part about going overseas during extended holiday breaks is the distance you get from whatever issues you have at home. I have some issues (that still need to be resolved) and yes, one of them concerns women. Only recently did I realise how massively I don't understand them - not that men do anyway, but I found out just how much I have to learn. Let's hope I have better luck with the opposite sex in the future. I would say more, but this is a public blog.

Right ... Singapore. The main reason was our family reunion - and believe me, this is a big deal. On my father's side alone (which is the side of my family living in Singapore) there are a whopping 35 members, varying in age from 8 to 37 (and that's just the cousins! :P) so these reunions mean a lot.

More to come - I'm out to dinner.


Blogger z. said...

welcome back to perth!!

January 2, 2005 at 7:48 PM  

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