Friday, January 14, 2005


I was thinking recently about how my natural inhibitions came about. I couldn't help blaming my parents; I mean honestly, they brought me up, didn't they? Whatever they taught me in my formative years, I followed. So it's their fault, right?

But it's no one's fault. Sadly, it never is. We were all designed a certain way - I believe that. And as much as we think we're shaped by our environment and interactions, the fact is that all our experiences will only reinforce what was always in our genes. What I think is an enforced lack of ability to present myself is something that was always going to happen no matter what.

Well, not entirely.

For those out there getting scared, do so with good reason. Because only something really dramatic, something impossible, will change who we always were going to be. All we need to do is find out what's impossible - or rather, what people would believe is impossible - and think of the only way that can make the impossible possible. To change us.

I think people will know what I mean. Planet Shakers, which I've attended the past two days, has helped me lose a lot of inhibition. And since I think inhibition was inbuilt into me, the only way I could lose it was by something really powerful. Here's what I think. We can all change what's inbuilt into us by believing in what's been dismissed as impossible.

That friend I was talking about? His inhibition has been lost - but in a bad way. And he didn't deserve what happened to him. Because he did get changed in such a great way. I mean seriously, he was quite the arrogant one beforehand. Then he was changed so powerfully - only to find out what had changed him had decided to rescind.

But he doesn't need to backslide. Hopefully with the support of friends, he won't. For the rest of us out there, we just gotta find the one way to change who we are for the better. And I hope we all do.

So what's the one way? Let me put it this way - it's something most people would rather scorn.


Blogger z. said...

amen =)

January 14, 2005 at 8:41 PM  

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